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terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2009

Environmental Geology

Mais um da série The living earth - Facts On File books (ver também postagem de 21/10/2009 - Plate Tectonics)

Jon Erickson - Environmental Geology: Facing the Challenges of Our Changing Earth / Facts on File / 2002 / ISBN: 0816047278 / Pages: 310 / PDF / 15.77 MB / Zip file / Megaupload

Helping readers to understand the hopes and the hazards facing humankind by learning more about the causes and the consequences of environmental change, Environmental Geology is a valuable guide to an exciting and relatively new science that deals with the relationship between people and their geologic environment. Chapter by chapter, this volume details the many ways man-made and natural forces have brought about serious - and in some cases, irreversible - damage to the earth, including: - Climate Change: The Greenhouse Effect - Hydrologic Activity: Water Flow and Flooding - Coastal Processes: Seacoasts and Estuaries - Tectonic Hazards: Earthquakes and Volcanoes - Desertification: Deserts and Droughts - Natural Resources: Depletion of Industrial Materials - Land Use: The Changing Landscape.

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