Manutenção: Reposts de Links com Defeito

quarta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2010

Hydrogeodynamics of Oil and Gas Basins

"Hydrogeodynamics of Oil and Gas Basins" by V.I. Djunin, A. V. Korzun

Springer Science+Business Media B.V. / 2010 / ISBN: 9048128463 / 408 pages / PDF / 7 MB

This book examines the theories surrounding the origin of oil and the formation of hydrocarbon fields from a hydrogeological perspective. The book analyzes local and regional regularities in the formation of deep fluids in petroliferous basins. The text discusses the many different theories of oil origin and includes a summary of the theoretical, experimental, and empirical data on petroliferous basins obtained by geochemical, geodynamic, fluidodynamic, and other studies.

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