Manutenção: Reposts de Links com Defeito

quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011

Australian Landscapes

Bishop P., "Australian Landscapes - Special Publication 346"
Geological Society of London / December 15, 2010
English / ISBN: 1862393141 / 215 pages / PDF / ~ 9 Mb

Australian Landscapes provides an up-to-date statement on the geomorphology of Australia. Karst, desert, bedrock rivers, coasts, submarine geomorphology, biogeomorphology and tectonics are all covered, aided by the latest geochronological techniques and remote sensing approaches. The antiquity and enduring geomorphological stability of the Australian continent are emphasized in several chapters, but the cutting-edge techniques used to establish that stability also reveal much complexity, including areas of considerable recent tectonic activity and a wide range of rates of landscape change.


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